There can be nothing as enthralling as curling up with
a book on a corner of your room for hours together munching hot pakoras. However,
if you are still busy with your phones and play stations playing video games or
spending your time switching between channels on the television, it must be
because the reading bug hasn’t bitten you yet. Since childhood, the best way that
I could find to get rid of my boredom and to make use of my precious time was
by reading books, since it has been the ultimate source of my happiness till
date. Reading Is My Super Power.

Sir Francis Bacon, a prominent thinker of English
Renaissance in his well –known essay ‘Of Studies’ wittily suggests, “Some books
are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and
digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read,
but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and
attention.” Books come in all shapes and types. There are wide range of genres
of books that you can choose from–thrillers, science fiction, non-fiction,
adventure, classics, drama, anthology of poems, biographies, autobiographies,
short stories, children’s literature and the list can go on and on. Even if the
idea of picking up a book scares you to the core, you can always pick up
magazines, newspaper articles and even comics, but one must never refrain from
the habit of reading.
The ultimate aim of reading must not be to aggressively rebut
other’s opinions or accept any writer’s ideas without questioning; rather one
must read to enable oneself to absorb, question, analyze and engage with those views rationally rather than tumbling
oneself unreasonably into arguments.
Roald Dahl, the most loved author of children’s books,
has rightly said, “If you are going to get anywhere in life you have to read a
lot of books.” It’s not just the knowledge that reading instils within you that
would ensure you success in life, but reading even helps you to avoid socially
awkward situations and boosts up your confidence manifold so that you can
participate in discussions that might pop up out of nowhere in such social gatherings.
Reading has always remained my super power since apart from knowledge, reading
has inculcated confidence within me, has given me that strength to tackle
real-life situations that otherwise I might have faced it difficult to tackle, and
has developed me into a more creative and innovative individual. Reading can
help one to widen one’s horizons, improve vocabulary, language, imagination and
thought-process. One can never deny the fact that a well-read person never
fails to impress!
Today, reading books no longer mean rushing to the
library and borrowing them or burning a hole in the pocket. If one considers it
convenient, one can access or download several books online through websites.
However, it’s true that the e-books can never match the smell of yellow
redolent pages of the dust jacketed books.
Once you finish up reading a book, get ready to
discuss it with your peers, friends, acquaintances and loved ones. Discussing
the books with others actually fills you with a unique kind of elation. It is
the exchange of ideas, opinions and anecdotes that can actually encourage you
to even cook up your own tales. You can only improve upon your writing skills
through the habit of reading and who knows someone might get impressed by your
writing style and you might end up getting signed for a big contract or a
writing project! Books are indeed uniquely portable magic, and I believe
there’s almost nothing books can’t do. Indeed, reading builds a powerful mind
and an influential personality. One must never forget what Sir Bacon said, “Reading
maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. Reading
adds perfection to a man’s personality.”
- Saloni Gaba